
  • Candidate Forum at Metro Republican Women Annual Tea

    Women from SD49 joined more than 100 women and men from the metro area at the February 13 Metro Republican Women Annual Lincoln Day Tea.  The substantial “high tea” meal with tea served in delicate heirloom cups was followed by a substantial discussion. 

    Chris_Fields.JPGChris Fields, Deputy Chair of MN GOP, moderated a panel of representatives for the six Presidential candidates campaigning ahead of the Republican primary in South Carolina.  

    Each representative was a passionate supporter of their candidate, and introduced both their own background and reasons for their support.   A few common threads:  Character, Integrity, Trust. We need a candidate who can win, across all voters.  The Republican Party is a big tent, as demonstrated by the diversity and depth of the initial large group of candidates and the six that were still campaigning.

  • SD49 Republicans Enjoy MN GOP’s Lincoln Reagan Dinner

    Over 600 Republicans from across Minnesota came together at The Depot in Minneapolis for the 2016 Lincoln Reagan Dinner, including about 20 members of the SD49 family.  The program began with a well-imagined “debate” between Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, which reminded us of the rich heritage we share as Republicans. 


  • Chad Anderson Wins SD 50B Special Election!

    Anderson_Win.jpgThe GOP-majority Minnesota House gained another Republican seat when voters in Bloomington elected Chad Anderson, a local real estate agent, over Democrat Andrew Carlson for the House District 50B seat.  A big thanks goes out to the SD 49 volunteers who answered our call to support our neighboring precinct and elect a strong Republican representative!

    Chad Anderson is seen here on the right at his victory party.  With Chad is his wife, Annie, and her parents, MN Senator Dan Hall and his wife.

    Anderson won 51.24 percent of the vote, compared to Carlson’s 48.66 percent.  The winning margin was 130 votes out of just over 5000 votes cast.

  • SD 49 GOP January Dinner Meeting: A Special Evening with Erik Paulsen


    Senate District 49 kicked off its first Dinner & Conversation get-together of 2016, hosting Erik Paulsen, our Congressman for Minnesota’s 3rd Congressional District. Barb Sutter introduced Rep. Paulsen by reviewing his service, and the attendees enthusiastically welcomed him.

    Erik began by discussing progress on a number of issues to which he is personally committed. Recently he was able to work on behalf of local law enforcement by fighting the IRS’s attempt to tax survivor benefits of first responders. He also discussed the heartbreaking case of Deana, a 13-year-old girl from Brooklyn Park, who had been caught in the human trafficking trap.  He’s been able to author and push through legislation to help victims, as opposed to them being considered “criminals” by the justice system.  Erik has also worked to stop the medical device tax that has cost over 35,000 jobs. 

    Rep. Paulsen highlighted the difficulty of working in Washington, where things are becoming ever more bureaucratic and regulated. One major difficulty has been a President who has used administrative authority to the point of subverting the Constitution. The Congressman believes that it’s more important than ever to work hard for gains, though they may not always be obvious. As an example, he cited the last spending bill, and the fact that domestic discretionary spending has reached its lowest point since 2008. While being the opposition party, providing needed oversight, the GOP also needs to be the party of proposals and solutions. He alluded to House Speaker Paul Ryan as a man of vision and as a very good communicator.   Paulsen believes that Ryan will be a new-generation leader who can attract new voters with a new direction and a clear agenda. 

  • Bloomington Referendum Drive Secures Required Signatures

    A group of concerned Bloomington residents achieved a milestone in early January in their efforts to require the city council to put Organized Solid Waste Collection to a vote of the citizens.  The petition drive collected over 1240 verified signatures during a four-week period over the holidays at the end of 2015 and in early January. 

  • Senate District 49: 2015 in Review

    December 2015 capped off a busy year for Senate District 49.  We continue to be one of the most active Senate Districts in Minnesota. The work that we’re doing and the accomplishments we’ve achieved are all part of our efforts to build a strong organization for the 2016 elections.


  • Over 50 Attend SD49 December Meeting and Party


    It may be unseasonably warm outside, but there was no shortage of holiday cheer at the SD 49 GOP holiday get together this past Tuesday!  Republicans from all around the district gathered to celebrate the holiday season and look back on a busy year while enjoying a large assortment of finger foods generously provided by the SD 49 GOP Executive Committee.  Tasty treats included not only wonderful hot and cold appetizers but also a festive punch and large selection of dessert items.  There was also a silent auction for several gift baskets, with proceeds going directly to the senate district.

  • SD49 Fall Conversation: Renewing Minnesota's Education Promise


    Senate District 49 GOP held its fifth annual Fall Conversation, on “Renewing Minnesota’s Education Promise”, on November 20th.   Almost 60 people attended the event, hosted in the formal setting of the library of the Edina Country Club.  An excellent panel was moderated by Mitch Pearlstein (Center of the American Experiment) and included Chas Anderson (former House Caucus chief of staff and former Deputy Commissioner of Education), Devin Foley (Intellectual Takeout/Better Ed) and Mike McFadden (Christo Rey Jesuit High School, Tesfa International School). 

    Mitch Pearlstein began the conversation by emphasizing how important education is at a time of family fragmentation and growing income inequity.  Each of the speakers was then asked to make 1-2 main points that they wanted people to take away with them.  Mike McFadden reminded everyone of Minnesota’s historical leadership in education as demonstrated by Orville Freeman’s beginning of tax credits, pioneering in charter schools and tax credits.  Since then, Mike felt we’ve lost our way as evidenced by unacceptable public school performance results.   He believed that nothing is more important than our children and that we as Republicans should “put a stake in the ground” about the importance of education.  He is confident that we are going to get the lead back.

  • Anselmo Annouces Candidacy in 49A

    Dario Anselmo announced his intention to run for the District 49A seat in the Minnesota House of Representatives on November 10.  He is a small businessman and entrepreneur who co-founded the Warehouse District Business Association and is a member of the Minneapolis Downtown Council.  He, his wife, Jeanne, and three children live in Edina's Parkwood Knolls neighborhood.  He has served on the boards of the Edina Education Fund, Edina Give and Go, and the Minnesota Mental Health Association.  He has been president of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance  

    The Star Tribune reported that "Dario Anselmo will again challenge Rep. Ron Erhardt, DFL-Edina, in an important suburban House race." 

    Anselmo intends to seek the endorsement of Senate District 49 Republicans.  He will meet with the SD49 Candidate Search Committee, a required precursor to being nominated at the SD 49 Republican endorsing convention.  The convention will be held on Saturday, April 9, 2016.

  • Young & Old Republicans Mark Season’s Change Amid Rustic Setting

    Volunteer Reporter & Photographer

    It wasn’t exactly a Republican roundup, but the sprawling ranch-like cowboy bar may soon become Republican SD 49’s new watering hole. It was here at Cowboy’s Jack’s Saloon that SD 49 & the Minnesota Young Republicans settled down for their 2nd Young Republican’s Happy Hour as the sun set on a cool Oct 2nd evening. The choice of this venue was excellent for this hearty band of party activists.


    Local Republicans came back to the ‘Wild West’ at Bloomington’s only authentic cowboy bar

    About 30 SD49, Minnesota Young Republicans, and Twin Cities Young Republicans shared a convivial mood at our second Happy Hour event in the bar’s lounge. It was an evening for exchanging email addresses, sharing ideas, and getting other’s opinions on matters of the day. While conversations ranged from Millennials’ outreach to the abrupt change in weather, I sensed an overall relief from hectic summer days and an eagerness for Fall grassroots building culminating with next year’s elections.

    When I talked with one young SD49er the next day, he told me that, “It was a very nice opportunity to meet and talk with people associated with the YRs as well as with people from SD49 and get to know them better. The YR people were very friendly and interested in getting to know SD 49 people. It was a good opportunity to learn about their perspectives on issues, organizations, etc.”

    Although the food and the spirits consumed have since worn off, the spirit of youthful activism so fervently alive that evening will continue in our minds as vibrant memories.

    If you would like to participate in any of our upcoming events, or learn more about our active event’s calendar, please click here. Reservations fill quickly, so plan ahead and make your reservation today!