State Central Committee To Meet Remotely April 10


MNGOP_logo.jpgThe semi-annual meeting of the MN GOP State Central Committee is set for Saturday, April 10. Although Sen. Mark Koran proposed an in-person meeting, MN GOP Chair Jennifer Carnahan decided to stay with a remote session conducted using Zoom.

The call for this State Central Committee meeting was issued by email on March 21 to the “Members, Delegates and Alternates elected or appointed according to Article IX Section 1 of the State Party Constitution.” Guests are not permitted for this meeting.

The primary business of the meeting is to elect the State Party Chair, Deputy Chair, and State Party Secretary.

- The Chair candidates are Jennifer Carnahan and Sen. Mark Koran.
- The Deputy Chair candidates are Carleton Crawford and Forest Hyatt.
- The Secretary candidates are David Pascoe and Bev Snow

Business may also include proposed changes to the Party Bylaws, although none appear to have been posted to the MN GOP Action Center webpage at this time.

Speeches by declared candidates for state-wide offices, as well as Congressional and state legislative leaders, are expected. Current party officers will give reports.

Delegates and alternates have until Wednesday, April 7 at 10:00 am to register. Registrations after that time will not be accepted. If delegates do not register, alternates may be seated. Cross-seating within Congressional Districts has been allowed at prior in-person meetings, but it is not clear at this time what process will be used for seating alternates at the start of this remote meeting.