Strong volunteer efforts are the hallmark of our Senate District, and the stand-out volunteers were recognized during the convention.
The Executive Committee unanimously picked Barbara Sutter for its Crystal Eagle award, in appreciation for her dedication and service as a former treasurer of the district, former co-chair of the district, candidate for Minnesota house, and the force behind several successful fund-raising events.
Awards for 2015 Outstanding Volunteers went to
- Sara Amaden (Research and Writing)
- David Clynes (Tech Support)
- John Ward, Dar Gray, and Patti Brestrup (Volunteer Commitment)
- Carol Kerr (Phenomenal Fund-raising and Dinner Diva).
Sixty 60 volunteers worked together to make the convention a success.
The volunteers worked on Candidate Search, Resolutions, Rules, Registration, Credentials, Set-up and Teardown, Lunches and Refreshments. They performed as Convention Chair, Parliamentarians, Secretaries, Sergeant-at-Arms, Tellers, and Electronic Vote monitors. It was a huge effort, and the volunteers deserve a lot of credit for the success of the convention.