SD49 Convention Feb 23 Will Elect Organizers: Executive Officers, State Central Delegates

Senate District 49 will hold its annual convention on Saturday, February 23, at the Bethany Church in Bloomington.

The official convention call has gone out to all of the delegates and alternates who were elected by their precincts at our 2018 caucuses. The call was issued by email to all of the delegates and alternates for whom we have email addresses and who have not opted out of receiving our notices. If you were elected a delegate or alternate by your precinct to the SD49 convention and you have not receive a convention call, please contact Randy Sutter at 952-835-8917 as soon as possible.

The Convention Call  is also posted on our website, where you can purchase tickets to attend. Guest/Observer tickets are also available.

Convention_article_photo.jpgThe primary business of our 2019 convention is to elect our senate district executive officers and our delegates and alternates to the 2019-2020 State Central meetings.

Members of the senate district who wish to run for a position on the Executive Committee need to contact Mike Lehmann at 612-839-0761. Mike and the Officer Nominating Committee are meeting now to interview candidates. Our bylaws do not allow Executive Committee nominations from the floor of the convention.

The Minnesota GOP conducts State Central meetings twice a year, in late spring and in early December. Delegates and seated alternates at State Central meetings elect state party officers, review (and vote on, as required) party business, and consider changes to the party constitution and bylaws. For 2019-2020, SD49 has been allotted 4 delegates and 12 alternates from our CD3 precincts and 1 delegate and 3 alternates from our CD5 precincts.

Members of the senate district who wish to run for delegate / alternate to State Central meetings are urged to contact Mike Lehmann at 612-839-0761. Mike and the Nominating Committee will start meeting to interview candidates in early February.