Republican Seniors February 2022 Program

Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:30 AM


Knights of Coluimbus/Bloomington Events Center
1114 American Blvd W
Bloomington, MN 55420
United States
Google map and directions

MN_GOP_Srs.jpgDon’t miss our February 8 meeting when our featured speaker is Anthony Gockowski, the editor in chief of Alpha News, a must-read for every Minnesota Republican. Alpha News delivers local political news and commentary not covered by corporate media.

In the first hour we will hear from Jake Duesenberg, head of Action for Liberty; Kim Crockett, candidate for Secretary of State; and Matt Silhacek from Rep. Tom Emmer’s campaign.

Time: 9:30 a.m. sign in and casual conversation, 10:00 a.m. convene
Cost: $5/member, $10/non-member

Dues for 2022 are remaining at $20 for individuals and $30 for couples, good for the whole year. Members pay $5 to attend a meeting and non-members pay $10. The basic fee per meeting includes a selection of beverages and snacks and helps us defray the cost of the room.

NOTE: Checks and cash only, please. We don't take credit cards. You may pay your 2022 dues when you arrive or send a check made payable to “Republican Seniors of MN” to Terry Flower, Treasurer, 12880 Lock Boulevard, Hastings, MN 55033.

*The Knights of Columbus is between Lyndale and 35W on American Boulevard, which runs parallel to I-494 on the south side. Get to American Boulevard from either Penn Avenue or Lyndale Avenue. Park on the east side or west side of the building.

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