The record-setting turnout at caucuses around the state has people talking about changing Minnesota’s system to hold an all-day Presidential Preference Primary vote. MN Republican Party Chairman Keith Downey wrote a thoughtful article last week outlining the benefits of having both a primary and the caucuses.
For SD49, our caucuses this year were crucial to connecting with interested voters and volunteers. More than 1500 voters attended a SD49 caucus for the first time. This included dozens of voters new to our area. They got to meet neighbors who agree with their GOP Principles.
They were able to discuss local issues. The caucus is the starting point for forming a volunteer organizational structure that will endorse candidates and advocate electing Republicans for local, state and national government.
Our SD49 caucuses elected 82 Republicans as precinct officers within SD49, along with 292 Delegates and 146 Alternates to the SD49 endorsing convention.
So, can we afford to do away with caucuses and replace them with a primary vote for our party nominees? Chairman Downey proposes that we have both!
Click HERE to read Keith Downey’s message at the MN GOP website.