Opportunities for Action: Republican Affiliate Groups

A great part of political involvement is the opportunity to join with other people with similar interests and viewpoints.  The MN GOP has been proud to be associated with a number of “Affiliate Groups.” These groups, as Janet Beihoffer (National Committeewoman from Minnesota) pointed out, “bring together like–minded people.” While affiliates have no specific membership requirements, because of their identity focus, the membership tends to be self-selecting. 

Visiting a meeting or joining an affiliate group can be tremendously rewarding as you work on common goals, organize events, identify supporters and, ultimately, contribute to Republican victories on many levels. 

If you would like to join or visit an affiliate group 



here are their names and links to their websites or contacts:

Hmong/Lao Republicans of America - Email: [email protected]

MN College Republicans - Email: [email protected] - Website: MNCR.org

MN Federation of Republican Women - Email: [email protected] - Website: MNFRW.com and the local chapter, Metro Republican Women – Website: http://www.metrogopwomen.org

MN Organization of Republican Veterans (MORVets) - Email: [email protected] - Website: MORVets.org

MN Republican Seniors - Email: [email protected] or  [email protected]

MN Young Republican - Email: [email protected] - Website: MinnesotaYoungRepublicans.org

Republican Liberty Caucus MN - Email: [email protected] - Website: RLCMinnesota.org

MN Hispanic Republican Assembly– Email:  [email protected]

Read a bit more about each group at the MNGOP website
