Knights of Columbus/Bloomingon Event Center1114 American Blvd W
Bloomington, MN 55420
United States
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In our first hour we will get an expose from Doug Wardlow about the activities of our very progressive attorney general, Keith Ellison, who has politicized his office in favor of far-left special interests. Doug is a former state legislator and ran against Ellison in 2018. He is now an attorney for MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, a major Minnesota backer of President Donald Trump.
We will also hear from Tyler Kristner, who is running against Angie Craig in the Second Congressional District.
Our featured speaker is Amber Glaeser, the Minnesota Farm Bureau’s policy director, who will describe the importance of agricultural, from growing to processing, to Minnesota's economy. Minnesota withstands recessions better than most states because of the diversity of our economy. A key part of that diversity is agriculture, which contributes $75 billion to the state’s economy annually.
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Time: 9:30 a.m. sign in and casual conversation, 10:00 a.m. convene
Cost: $5/member, $10/non-member
Dues are due! Dues for 2020 are $20 for individuals and $30 for couples. Members pay $5 to attend a meeting and non-members pay $10. The basic fee per meeting includes a selection of beverages and snacks and helps us defray the cost of the room. You may pay your 2020 dues when you arrive or send a check made payable to “Republican Seniors of MN” to Terry Flower, Treasurer, 12880 Lock Boulevard, Hastings, MN 55033. NOTE: Checks and cash only, please. We don't take credit cards.
Posted by David Clynes on ,