Max Rymer announced his resignation as Minnesota’s National Committeeman in an email to State Central Committee delegates and alternates on October 28. He wrote:
“It’s been an honor, albeit a short one, to be your National Committeeman. It’s been my goal for roughly the past decade to help elect Republicans in MN. At this time, I feel I can best do this by stepping down as National Committeeman and working with causes outside of the party and candidates directly.
“I have full confidence in David Hann to lead the party forward and have committed to assisting him in his transition to the best of my ability. I will still see you all at conventions and knocking doors, etc… I won’t be your Committeeman, but I certainly won’t be a stranger.
“I look forward to electing someone who can step in and do a great job as Committeeman during our State Central Meeting in December.”
All state parties have three representatives to the Republican National Committee. They are the state party chair (David Hann), the National Committeewoman (Barb Sutter), and the National Committeeman. These three are members of the state party Executive Committee, which meets at least monthly. In addition, they are expected to attend meetings of the Republican National Committee and regional meetings as required. Currently, travel expenses incurred by the National Committeewoman and National Committeeman for these meetings are not reimbursed.
In Minnesota, the National Committeewoman and National Committeeman are elected by the State Central Committee for four-year terms. Sutter and Rymer were elected in May 2020.
Republicans interested in running for the open National Committeeman position should identify their intent in the near future so that they may be interviewed by the state party Nominating Committee before the December 11 State Central Committee meeting. The individual that is elected at the State Central Committee meeting in December will serve out the remainder of the current term, through April 2024.