Now is the time to let our neighbors know who we support for Senator, Congressman, and state legislator. There are many ways to volunteer and support candidates.
Jim Bowen is coordinating lawn sign locations and candidate outreach efforts. You can reach him at [email protected]. We can provide signs for Trump, Jason Lewis, Lacy Johnson, Kendall Qualls, and Joe Thalman. In Bloomington, we can put you in touch with a good source if you want “No to Ranked Choice Voting” signs.
Jim will happily provide you with other volunteering opportunities. From home, you may write postcards in support of Kendall Qualls, or make phone calls. We have started door knocking, and we will be happy to have you join us on future weekends. We are also putting together a local phone bank if you'd like to join with other like-minded activists while making calls.
If you live in an area where you cannot put a lawn sign in your lawn, we may have an answer for you. Recently, a resident in a neighborhood where the HOA doesn’t allow political signs found a way to express his political leanings. He fixed Velcro to both sides of his back window to display his support of Kendall for Congress (right).