Cooper's Bar and Grill / Eagan's Hidden Treasure4185 S Robert Trl
Eagan, MN 55123
United States
Google map and directions
Promises Made, Promises Kept! Join House District 52B for our beloved President's State of the Union Address! Speech starts at 8:00 PM. Watch his speech with like minded people who are working to Keep America Great!!! Wear your favorite Trump gear! Light appetizers, while they last. Folks can order a meal and drinks separately, if you like. Invite your friends!!!
$5 Suggested Donation.
The Trump Campaign will be holding a training session (6:15 - 6:45PM) and then a 30 min Phone Bank for President Trump (6:45 - 7:15PM) before the State of the Union Address that starts at 8:00PM. Help re-elect President Trump and stay to watch his State of the Union Address with like minded people!
Keep America Great!!
Posted by David Clynes on ,