Minneapolis/Richfield American Legion Post 4356501 Portland Ave
Richfield, MN 55423
United States
Google map and directions
On January 11th, 2020 the MN GOP will conduct training for grassroots leaders and activists.
This will be a full-day training session with presentations from the RNC, MNGOP and other stakeholders. Sessions will include:
• BPOU Management
• Volunteer Recruitment
• Fundraising and Finances
• Event Planning
• Convention Management
• Succession Planning
• Communications Training & Building a Comms Calendar
• Data Training
The cost is $20 per registrant which includes lunch.
This event will start at 10:00am (registration opens at 8:30am) and will be located at the Minneapolis/Richfield American Legion Post 435 . If you are interested in attending, please click here. If you have any questions, please contact Rachael Grooms at rag@mngop or 651-222-0022.
Posted by David Clynes on ,