Get Involved - Edina Seeks Board, Commission Members

Applications are due January 31 for those willing to serve as a volunteer on one of 11 Edina Boards and Commissions.  Interviews will be conducted in February and most appointments are for 3 years and start in March. The list of open seats and an application form are online at the City of Edina website - Click Here

The Boards and Commissions are described in more detail at links from that city webpage and include:

            Arts and Culture Commission       Board of Appeal and Equalization  

            Community Health Commission   Construction Board of Appeals  

            Edina Housing Foundation           Energy and Environment Commission  

            Heritage Preservation Board        Human Rights and Relations Commission  

            Park Board                                   Planning Commission  

            Transportation Commission

We urge you to research the boards and commissions and to apply to serve on one that particularly interests you.  Bring your common-sense conservative values to the running of the city of Edina.  Then, let us know how things go.  We would welcome short articles about your experience.  Help encourage more Republicans to join with you!