Keith Downey’s positive message on the Future of the Republican Party was published in the Star Tribune Opinion section June 15. It was lengthy, and perhaps you only skimmed the last sentences so we’ve repeated some of those below. This is a message we can use as we talk with neighbors and friends this election season. You can read the full article at the Star Tribune site HERE.
But this election is not just about big government, bad deals, open borders, leading from behind and debt — those are symptoms of a broader decay in our institutions and in the personal virtue necessary to sustain a civil society.
We also need America to be decent again.
Republicans share the tried-and-true ethic of everyday folks — family and faith, enterprise and hard work, loving our neighbor and giving back.
Simply put, we care.
The party of Lincoln believes every Minnesotan is invaluable, and we trust Minnesotans — not more government — for our future.
The party of Reagan’s principles of liberty and justice for all, and free enterprise, have proved to lift everyone, and our policies advance them.
Our ideas work.
From our beginning, the Republican Party has found unity in these ideals and purposes, and we will again. Not out of fear or a calculated political retreat, never out of blind fealty to a candidate, but in bold leadership.
That is our real future. What a message we have! What an opportunity we have!
Keith Downey is chairman of the Republican Party of Minnesota.