Full Room for First Pints & Politics of 2019


An animated and friendly group of Republicans filled our room at Poor Richards Commonhouse in Bloomington on Monday evening, January 14 for our first "Pints & Politics" of 2019. Between 45 to 50 attendees enjoyed lively "let's talk politics" conversations with friends both old and newly-met.

Happy_Smiles_at_Jan_P_and_P_Resized.jpgIn addition to people from our two hosting Senate Districts (49 and 50), we were joined by some from South Minneapolis, Representative Greg Boe (47B) from Chaska (commuting and stopped in), and some from the suburbs south, west, and north of us. Don Johnson brought extra-special guests, his daughters, who appreciated the chance to meet current members and share memories of their late Mom, Donna, with folks from SD49 who had volunteered with her.

Mark your calendars to join (or rejoin) in the fun next month, February 11, 5 - 7:30, Poor Richards Commonhouse 8301 Normandale Blvd. Bloomington, MN 55437