Elections results in Minnesota are expected to be close. There are many races that are too close to call. Keeping control of the MN Senate depends on suburbs.
Every Republican voter is needed. If you need help getting to your polling place and you live in Bloomington, Richfield, or Edina call 952-856-3028 as early as you can.
Volunteers to be official poll watchers are still being accepted, and training is underway. Poll watchers are already in place at urban early-voting sites and will be needed for a week after election day at mail-in ballot handling locations. MN GOP is working with the Trump Election Integrity team to ensure the mandatory credentialing (with the MN Secretary of State) and to schedule shifts after training is completed. SIGN UP HERE on the MN GOP site, at the Election Protection tab. CD3 in-person training is on Wed Oct 21, and online training is also available.
The Election Integrity Hotline is 651-369-9806. This phone number is to be used to report an election incident or anything unusual observed in or around polling places.
As early-voting trend numbers are reported by the media, take note that Republicans for the most part seem to be planning to vote in person, while Democrats seem to be voting early in large numbers. Reporting is slanted to discourage the "sometimes" voters from showing up on Election Day. Republicans need to keep up turnout efforts through 8 PM November 3 by personally encouraging friends and neighbors to vote.
When reading pre-election polling results, it is essential to drill-down a bit to find the "refusal" rate. Republicans tend to balk or refuse to answer questions that ask, by name, whether they voted (or intend to vote) for a specific candidate.