Congressional District 5 Convention, April 6
7-9 pm – Crystal VFW, 5222 Bass Lake Rd., Minneapolis, MN
Senate District 49 Delegates (7 Allotted):
Chad Bell
Dennis Hykes
Frank Drake
Lee McGrath
Louis Tiggas
Nancy Carlson
Wayne Wenger
Senate District 49 Alternates:
Edward Hancock
Michael Korman
Michelle Jesse
Steve Neuger
Susan Covnick
Thomas Hoegh
Todd Shuman
Congressional District 3 Convention, April 8
9 am – Northview Middle School, 5869 69th Ave. N., Brooklyn Park, MN
Senate District 49 Delegates (38 allotted)
Allen Muerhoff
Barbara Malzacher
Barb Sutter
Beth Beebe
Bill Glahn
Carol Kerr
Dan Hallberg
Dar Gray
David Seidel
Dean Lerum
Dennis Hogan
Dino Balafas
Donald Patton
Eric Jaax
Greg Beam
Jay Corniea
John Metil
Lee Zimmerman
Linda Presthus
Lisa Beam
Lynda Renner
Lynn Swon
Mark Janda
Mary Doughty
Matheos Balafas
Max Rymer
Mike Lehmann
Patricia Lee
Pat Teynor
Peter Hook
Randy Sutter
Russ Burnison
Steven Barthel
Tom Hulting
Trish Burnison
Vince Riehm
- 2 Vacancies (left the district)
Senate District 49 1st Alternates (38 Allotted)
- Abdi Hirsi
- Amir Gharbi
- Barbara Hoganson
- Barbara Nazarian
- Barbara Patton
- Charles Lewis
- David Clynes
- David Rowland
- Donald Teigen
- Eldon Spencer
- Faisal Deri
- Grant Johnson
- Janene Harker
- Joe Lee
- Judith McCabe
- Laura Hemler
- Maria Malooly
- Mark Lapham
- Mary Jo Christensen
- Marya Rother
- Michael Zerr
- Patrick Koob
- Paul Ericson
- Penny Walters
- Rebecca Maddox
- Richard Zabinski
- Robert Fiedler
- Bob Maginnis
- Bob Rofidal
- Sara Amaden
- Steve Curry
- Susan Johnson
- Treva Vogt
- Tyler Keenan
- 4 Vacancies (left the district)
CD3 Second Alternates to the CD3 Convention
- Donald McConnell
- Jackie Carlson
- Jay Smith
- Joyce Moeller
- Matthew Sikich
- Noah Harber
Senate District 49 Elects State Central Delegates and Alternates for 2017-2018
· Congressional District 3 Precincts (in rank order)
o Randy Sutter – Delegate
o Max Rymer – Delegate
o Barb Sutter – Delegate
o Faisal Deri – Alternate #1
o Vince Riehm – Alternate #2
o Lew Coffey – Alternate #3
o Linda Presthus – Alternate #4
o Dino Balafas – Alternate #5
o Bob Maginnis – Alternate #6
o Abdi Hirsi – Alternate #7
o Grant Johnson – Alternate #8
o Lynn Swon – Alternate #9
· Congressional District 5 Precincts
o Wayne Wenger – Delegate
o Nancy Carlson – Alternate #1
o Doug Seaton – Alternate #2
o Frank Drake – Alternate #3
Senate District Convention Elects Officers, Delegates
Over 90 people turned out for our SD 49 convention on Saturday, February 18. From the opening gavel at 9 am to the motion to adjourn at 12:40 pm, attendees heard from a number of elected representatives and candidates running for state party office and completed the essential business of our district.
Speakers at the convention included Congressman Erik Paulsen, Sheriff Rick Stanek, and Minnesota House Representative Dario Anselmo. We also heard from several candidates for state party executive office. Running for State Party Chair were Chris Fields, David Hann, and Jennifer Carnahan. Seeking the Deputy Chair position were Andy Aplikowsky, David Pascoe, and Jennifer DeJournett.
The essential business of the convention was to
elect the senate district executive officers who will serve until our 2019 convention
elect the State Central Delegates and Alternates for 2017 and 2018
The candidates for the executive officer positions ran unopposed, so they were confirmed by acclimation. The State Central Delegate and Alternate positions were contested. The candidates for Congressional District 5 alternates were equal in number to the open alternate slots. The candidates agreed to decide their ranking by drawing a number, and this method was confirmed by the convention.
Sixteen candidates vied for the 11 open Congressional District 3 delegate and alternate positions. The convention chose to use electronic voting for this election. Roughly two-thirds of the delegates and seated alternates voted using the texting feature on their cell phones, through an electronic polling approach provided by "Poll Everywhere". The other one-third (27) used paper ballots.
Llsts of the elected executive officers and State Central delegates and alternates are provided at the top of this page.
Special Thanks to the Convention Volunteers
The success of the convention was directly attributable to a number of volunteers who served in the weeks leading up to and during the convention. We sincerely thank the following individuals who made it all possible.
Convention Conveners: Randy Sutter, Wayne Wenger
Convention Chair: Louis Tiggas
Convention Secretary: Leah Hollenbeck
Convention Treasurer: Louis Tiggas
Convention Invocation: Trish Burnison
Pledge of Allegiance: Col Don Patton (Ret)
Chair- Russ Burnison
Dar Gray
Lew Coffey
Ric Davies
Bob Maginnis
Chair- Nancy Carlson
Blyth Bailey
Suzi Blumberg
Patti Brestrup – Front Desk/Lanyards
Dennis Hykes
Barb Sutter – Front Desk/Financial
Andrea Tiggas
Chair- Linda Presthus
Vice Chair - Mary Doughty
Beth Beebe
Carol Brumwell
Kathy Frey
Angie Hasek
Sue Hollenbeck
Susan Johnson
Barb Maginnis
Chair of Bylaws- Vince Riehm
Chair of Rules – John Gibbs
Pat Mazorol
Craig Peterson
Doug Seaton
Eldon Spencer
Louis Tiggas
Vince Riehm
Craig Peterson
Chair- Grant Johnson
Ric Davies
Bill Holm
Chief Teller- Bill Reichert
Deputy Chief Teller – Steve Curry
49A-Anderson Blum
49A-Sean Boylan
49A-Janet Doudiet
49A-Jim Doudiet
49B-Larry Frost
49B- Dan Hallberg
49B-Janene Harker
49B-Andy Hollenbeck
49B-Al Muerhoff
Chair- Barbara Sutter
49A – Dino Balafas
49A – Ned Hancock
49A – Dennis Hykes
49A – Judy McCabe
49A – John Metil
49B – Beth Beebe
49B – Sue Hollenbeck
49B – Lane Hersey
49B – Mike Lehmann
49B – Max Rymer
49B – Penny Walter
Randy Sutter- Ex-Officio
Wayne Wenger- Ex- Officio
Chair – Greg Beam
Deputy Chair – Noah Harber
David Clynes
Lisa Beam
Are You Ready to be a SD49 Executive Committee Officer or Delegate to MN GOP State Central?
Senate District 49 will hold our 2017 convention on February 18 at the Oak Grove Middle School in Bloomington. If you have worked for the Republican Party and feel that you want to take a leadership position within Senate District 49, please consider stepping forward as a candidate for Executive Committee officer and/or delegate to the MN GOP State Central Committee.
Candidates should contact Barb Sutter, the chair of the Officer Nominating Committee, so interviews can be arranged before the convention. She can be contacted at [email protected]. Contact should be made no later than Sunday, February 12, so that interviews can be scheduled.
No nominations will be accepted the day of the convention.
CLICK HERE for details on the SD49 Executive officer positions and expectations, as well as the State Central Committee delegate/alternate slots and expectations