Bloomington Mayor Leaving Office after Five Terms
As the opportunity to file as a candidate for Mayor and City Council in Bloomington closes, the name of Gene Winstead has not been posted. Winstead (pictured at left) served as chairperson of Bloomington’s Planning Commission through the development of the Mall of America and first served on the City Council in 1995. He was elected as the city’s Mayor in 1999 and appears planning to close out his tenure after five terms in office in 2019.
Bloomington and Minnetonka will hold municipal elections this year. The window to file as a candidate closed today, June 4.
Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina, and Minnetonka will all be holding elections for some of their school board seats this year. The filing period for local school board races is coming up in late July.
Here are the Bloomington and Minnetonka candidates who filed (in alphabetical order by office). All candidates were listed as non-partisan.
Bloomington Mayor
- Tim Busse
- Sharon Christensen
- Rainer Einsmann
- Ryan Kulka
- Dan Niziolek
Bloomington City Council At-Large
- Jenna Carter
- Brian “Clem” Clemens
- Judy Gelina
- Larry James Hotchkiss
Bloomington City Council District 1
- Dwayne A. Lowman
- Johnathon McClellan
- Al Noard
Bloomington City Council District 2
- Shawn Nelson
- Susan “Hofmeister” Woodruff
Minnetonka Special Election for City Council At-Large B
- Susan Carter
Minnetonka City Council Ward 1
- Brian J. Kirk
Minnetonka City Council Ward 2
- Rebecca Schack
Minnetonka City Council Ward 3
- Mike Happe
- Bradley Schaeppi
Minnetonka City Council Ward 4
- Kissy C Coakley
- Paul J Lehman
Key Dates in the upcoming election cycle:
Primary Election
- May 21 – June 4 Candidate filing period
- June 6 Candidate withdrawal deadline
- June 28 Absentee voting ("early voting") begins
- July 23 Voter pre-registration closes at 5 p.m.
- August 6 Direct balloting begins at City Hall
- August 10 Saturday hours (10 a.m. – 3 p.m.) for absentee voting
- August 12 Direct balloting closes at 5 p.m.
- August 13 Primary Election
General Election
- September 20 Absentee voting ("early voting") begins
- October 15 Voter pre-registration closes at 5 p.m.
- October 29 Direct balloting begins at City Hall
- November 2 Saturday hours (10 a.m. – 3 p.m.) for absentee voting
- November 4 Direct balloting closes at 5 p.m.
- November 5 General Election