2018 May Program - Legislative Update & Going 4 the Heart

Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at 06:00 PM


Calvary Lutheran Church
6817 Antrim Rd
Edina, MN 55439
United States
Google map and directions

Event contact

Randy Sutter


Two timely topics are on our May 22 program, featuring talks by Rep. Dario Anselmo and Lonny Leitner. 

WithAnselmo_Preferred_Photo_2017.jpg the legislative session slated to end the day before our meeting, Rep. Dario Anselmo, Edina (R), will recap what was achieved, his impressions of the process, and what is expected going forward. Dario is our endorsed candidate for Representative in House District 49A.

Lonny Leitner will help us understand why intellectual analysis fails to work against the arguments of the Left, and why the Right needs to start looking at defending our positions from a moral and emotion-filled standpoint.

As David Horowitz said, “[We] need to stop talking like accountants and administrators and start speaking to the voters’ hearts.” The Chief of Staff of American Majority, Leitner will walk us through how to argue our case and not back down; to understand how to message in a way that will appeal to the general public and get their attention, and "out" others with their fundamentallLonny_Leitner.JPGy flawed politics.

Mary Giuliani Stephens. Republican candidate for Governor, will update us on her campaign. Pam Myhra, Republican candidate for MN State Auditor, will be available early in the evening and will speak right after dinner. Jennifer Zielinski, Republican candidate for the U.S. House from Congressional District 5, will also join us and say a few words.

Lonny Leitner has generously offered to gift a copy of David Horowitz’s NY Times Best Seller “Big Agenda” to the first 30 people that register in advance for the dinner program. To do so, scroll down this page and purchase a ticket.

The meal offered will be sandwiches, chips, dessert and beverage. Please scroll down and buy a ticket so we order enough.

The evening program will run from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall of the Calvary Lutheran Church, 6817 Antrim Rd, Edina, MN 55439

Lonny Leitner Resume: Leitner specializes in political training, campaign management, and voter education. Lonny brings 14 years of public and private sector experience to American Majority. He worked for many years as a political operative, public relations public affairs specialist and his background in campaign management helped hone excellent leadership and motivational skills.

Lonny previously served as a Regional Director for a 501(c)3 non profit political training institute, American Majority and a 501(c)4 American Majority Action. During that time, he worked with candidates on media training and campaign management. Lonny headed up American Majority’s efforts in the upper Midwest as well as in the battle ground state of Florida. In the 2010 election cycle he helped train 100 candidates in Minnesota running for local, state, and federal offices, of which 94 won their primaries.

That same election cycle, Lonny spearheaded American Majority Action’s Get Out the Vote Efforts in Wisconsin, working successfully with local media outlets to further the movement. The group targeted a U.S. Senate race and three U.S. Congressional races, winning 3 out of the 4 contests. In 2012, Lonny oversaw the Get Out the Vote efforts in 6 target counties in Florida where they saw increases in the Conservative voter turn out compared to the 2008 results.

Lonny has worked on several campaigns in Minnesota. He worked for U.S. Senator Rod Grams in 2000 and Mark Kennedy's successful re-election campaign in 2002. He led the charge in 2004 as a Regional Field Director for Bush-Cheney and was Political Director for Congressman Mark Kennedy's U.S. Senate bid in 2006. Lonny has also worked on Federal campaigns in Texas for Congressman Henry Bonilla and Washington State for Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, and most recently as campaign manager for Adam Hasner’s U.S. Senate race in Florida.

Lonny has successfully built relationships and pitched media opportunities for fortune 500 companies and small start-ups alike. His media background is diverse, and includes Ford Motor Company, a sustainable agriculture company, the telecom industry, a professional sports team, and the immigration reform movement.

Lonny was born and raised in Saint Paul, MN and graduated from Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI, with a Bachelor of Arts in political science.


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Ticket Price after May 19, 2018
Ticket Price on or before May 19, 2018
Price for Program Only, No Meal