2017 Senate District 49 Convention

Saturday, February 18, 2017 at 08:00 AM


Oak Grove Middle School
1300 W 106th St
Bloomington, MN 55431
United States
Google map and directions


Pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the Republican Party of Minnesota and pursuant to the 2017 Call for Republican Party Basic Political Organizational Unit (BPOU) conventions issued by the Republican State Executive Committee, the Senate District 49 Convention is hereby called to meet:


Convention convenes at 9:00 am


Registration opens at 8 am and closes at 9:30 am



Oak Grove Middle School

1300 West 106th St

Bloomington, MN

The Senate District 49 Convention shall be composed of the delegates and alternates elected at the precinct caucuses in March of 2016 currently living within the boundaries of House Districts 49A and 49B.

The Senate District Convention shall be held for the purpose of:

1.   Election of Officers of the Senate District 49 Executive Committee

2.   Election of Delegates, First, Second, and Third Alternates to the State Central Committee

3.   Voting on a proposed change to the SD 49 Bylaws, regarding the membership of the Officer Nominating Committee

4.   Transacting such other business as may properly come before the Convention

You are requested to bring your cell phone for use in electronic voting.  Please ensure it is fully charged.

Please RSVP below so that we can plan knowing the number of people coming.

The advance ticket price for this event is $30 / person if the ticket is purchased on or before February 15, 2017.

The late ticket price is $35 / person after February 15, 2017.

Ticket pricing for guests and observers is $5.


If you RSVP on or before February 15, you may pay the advance ticket price via your credit card or Paypal using the automated form below

Your may also RSVP by emailing or calling Randy Sutter ([email protected]; 952-836-5925) by February 15 and pay by check or cash at the door.

If you come without sending your RSVP in advance, you will be charged the $35.00 same-day ticket price at the door.

Water and coffee will be available in the morning 


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Will you come?

RSVP and Pay after February 15
Ticket may be purchased in advance or at the door