A Few Words From Our Recommended Candidates
Take a few moments to read the thoughts of the candidates that we are recommending for the Edina School Board, the Bloomington School Board, and the Bloomington City Council.
Edina School Board Candidates
Chad Bell (www.chad4edina.com/):
"I am a dad who believes he has the right balance of business and interpersonal skills that would be beneficial to our board. I am not a politician (nor do I want to be one). I am a person who believes service matters and giving back to your community is paramount. I want what I believe most citizens want. And that is a learning environment in which every student can achieve their potential, and feel welcomed and accepted. Our students and their education come first and their success is of the utmost importance. Politics and political leanings are not needed in the classroom and do not serve our overall goal of educational excellence." Click here for more information.
Faisal Deri (www.Deri4Edina.com):
“I am running for Edina School Board because I believe that a strong public education system is the heart of a thriving community. My family and I were attracted to Edina in part because of the commitment of this community to high-quality education. Now, as a resident, I am eager to contribute my time and energy to the promotion of this tradition of excellence. Investing in our education now means a vibrant future for our Edina community, I will support smart stewardship of our community's resources. I want to serve the families and taxpayers of Edina in a fiscally responsible and prudent fashion.”
Click here for more information.
Owen Michaelson (www.owen4edina.com/):
“Edina Schools have given much to my family, and I want to give back. My wife and I have four children who have been through or are in the Edina Schools. We moved to Edina eighteen years ago in large part to immerse them in the rich educational strength of the Edina Schools. We wanted a primary and secondary education that built their character, prepared them for citizenship and equipped them for the workplace. We wanted for them an education grounded in the fundamentals of skills development and knowledge attainment, one that left them tolerant of divergent opinions, inspired to enter adulthood, and eager and confident to contribute to society.”
Click here for more information.
Bloomington School Board Candidate
Beth Beebe (www.beebeforschoolboard.com/)
“Only about 54% of Bloomington 3rd through 8th grade students are at their grade level in reading and math. We need the Curriculum Committee to evaluate other successful curriculum options and engage the community to help struggling students. I am running for Bloomington School Board because I believe that my educational background, experiences and perspective, along with my history of investment in Bloomington families and the community, will bring new expertise to the school board… [Expertise needed] to make policy decisions to support teachers and provide opportunity for students to learn the skills needed for future education and careers.”
Click here for more information.
Bloomington City Council Candidates
District II: Eldon Spencer (www.eldonspencerforcouncil.com/)
Bloomington residents need a champion on the city council who will listen to them and stand up for them. Someone who will put the interests of the residents first. His positions on the development of the Hyland Green golf course and the paving of the bike path on the Minnesota River bottoms are clear indications that he will be an independent voice on the Council. Eldon recently questioned the 5.75% budget increase pushed by the Bloomington city government. Subsequently, the increase was reduced to 4.87%. The proposed increase is back below that proposed by Minneapolis. Eldon Spencer is the voice we need on the Bloomington City Council.
Click here for more information.
District III: Larry Frost (www.frostforcouncil.com/)
Larry has served on the Minneapolis Civil Service Board; the Bloomington Schools Curriculum committee (5 years, and one as chair). He currently serves as the Federal Legislative Liaison for the Military Officers Association of Minnesota. Larry’s law practice includes pro bono (free) representation of active duty, reserve and retired military in a variety of matters. “The City Council has put Bloomington at hazard by remarkably favoring some land users over others. This can lead to lawsuits and expensive Federal penalties. Our city government should treat everyone by the same rule of law.”
Click here for more information.
At-Large: Write-in Candidate Mark Stoltz
Mark is a 25-year resident of Bloomington. He has lived in the Hyland Neighborhood for the past 21 years. Mark's career has focused on Healthcare Information Technology and Medical Imaging software for the past 20 years. In 2003, Mark ran for city council. Mark declared his candidacy when the incumbent would otherwise have run unopposed. Mark believes a healthy democracy involves an election process that offers voters a choice between candidates. Mark knows the community and issues that Bloomington is facing. He has followed the current campaign and gives voters for the At Large seat a more conservative alternative.
Click here for more information.
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