Republican Seniors May 2021 Program

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 09:30 AM


Bloomington Event Center/Knights of Columbus Hall
1114 American Blvd W
Bloomington, MN 55420
United States
Google map and directions

Did you know that we use thousands of products every day that are made from oil and gas, not just the fuel we use in our cars and to heat our homes? Much of that oil and gas is delivered to manufacturers by pipelines that crisscross our country. Isaac Orr, energy expert from the Center of the American Experiment, will tell us at our May 11 meeting about the importance of these pipelines and the obstacles companies Pipelines.jpgface when attempting to build new or update these essential elements of our infrastructure.

In our first hour, Anna Mathews from Congressman Emmer's campaign will give us an update on activities at the U.S. Capitol. Then our State Central delegate Bob Maginnis will report on their meeting on April 10 and the election for Party chair.

MN_GOP_Srs.jpgTime: 9:30 a.m. sign in and casual conversation, 10:00 a.m. convene
Cost: $5/member, $10/non-member

NOTE: By executive order, masks must be worn as we move about the room.

We are now collecting dues for the remainder of 2021. Dues are $15 for individuals and $22.50 for couples, good for the balance of the year. Members pay $5 to attend a meeting and non-members pay $10. The basic fee per meeting includes a selection of beverages and snacks and helps us defray the cost of the room. We accept checks and cash only. You may pay your 2021 dues when you arrive or send a check made payable to “Republican Seniors of MN” to Terry Flower, Treasurer, 12880 Lock Boulevard, Hastings, MN 55033.

For timely information from us about matters of interest to Republicans, follow us on Twitter @MNGOPSeniors and friend Republican Seniors of Minnesota on Facebook.

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