Calvary Lutheran Church6817 Antrim Rd
Edina, MN 55435
United States
Google map and directions
Event contact
Mary Doughty952-848-4272
The Minnesota statutory election system allows ineligible persons who register on election-day to vote, accepting voter self-certification and failing to verify eligibility until after their votes are counted.
The Minnesota Voters Alliance continues to challenge the Minnesota Secretary of State on these practices. They are going to the Supreme Court level seeking immediate relief from ineligible voters being permitted to cast votes in every election through the state.
Are the impacts of such actions minimal? Remember that Al Franken was elected in 2008 by a mere 312 votes out of 2.9 million cast. In that race, more than 500,000 voters registered on election day, voted, and their eligibility verified after the election had been decided. More than 48,000 of those voters could not be confirmed as eligible.
Andy Cilek, director of the Minnesota Voters Alliance, will speak at the Senate District 49 March Dinner Program on March 22. He will cover their recent achievements and the challenges ahead.
Join us for some casual conversation and appetizers at 6:00 pm. Dinner is served at 6:30 pm. Our program starts at 7:00 pm.
Take advantage of early-bird pricing of $15 per adult for dinner and program by reserving your spot before March 18th.
Signup and payment available online see below, or if preferred, as always checks can be mailed to:
Senate District 49 Republicans
PO Box 390333
Edina MN 55439-0333
We look forward to seeing you there!